These simple words mean everything. Thoughts and theories, beliefs and ideas are great but if those things don't manifest into ACTIONS, they are worthless. Asatru is real when lived!
That is what we do in the AFA, we LIVE Asatru....and we live it together.
Seeing all the amazing things we have going on makes me so proud to be a part of this. Our first year of the Asatru Academy Home School is coming to a close soon as an amazing success. We have 4 hofs hosting worship services every month as well as food pantries, feeding our neighbors in need. And, as you will see in this issue, we have progress at Sigrheim, the first AFA intentional community!
What a time to be alive! What a time to be in the Asatru Folk Assembly!
Matthew D. Flavel
Alsherjargothi, Asatru Folk Assembly